Flight Report
CX 703 Hong Kong - Bangkok - Colombo
Business Class

It seems most flights to South Asia depart in the evenings and arrive late at night. Tonight, I will ride the plane for a long time and first stop in Bangkok before reaching Colombo. After a smooth check-in, I headed to the lounge for a quick bite. I didn't want to get too full before my feast on board. Besides, lounge food is only so-so - nothing like a 5-star hotel.

Tonight's gate is all the way out in the suburbs.

Pre-flight drinks were served once we got seated. My favourite is still Cathay Delight, but Oriental Breeze is still a very nice non-alcoholic drink.

We departed eastwards and made a U-turn just shy of Victoria Harbour. I made an effort to capture some nightscapes but it is hard with a fast-moving plane and no tripod. LOL

This is my first time on the new regional Business Class. The seats are not lie-flat and you have a neighbour beside you. But the hardware is quite nice with good storage space, an efficient table that pulls out from in front of you. However, I would be quite concerned to fly this type of bird on a red-eye.

The real dinner

Welcome to Bangkok

Many of the Business Class passengers disembarked in Bangkok. It would be a short hour-long stop and onward passengers to Colombo stayed on board while the cleaners came in to tidy up the cabin. Bangkok is a huge airport and the shops may be a bit far from the gate, so there was no point to push for a tour of the terminal during such a short stop. I took this chance to capture a few more photos of this type of Business Class.

Note the legroom is still good and the premium cabin is quite large!

A second meal would be served from Bangkok to Colombo. By now, I was quite stuffed but I couldn't refuse all this food. The fish tasted just right with a good amount of moisture. I tend to favour fish on the plane over steak as it is easier to maintain for flight.

Colombo's airport shares the same concourse for departing and arriving passengers. The airport was quite busy with so many international flights leaving at 1am. Follow the signs and walk a long way to immigration, followed by a surreal pass-through of their duty free shops selling ...

At first I hesitated about the Bangkok stop, but it turned out to be fairly painless and you get to enjoy 2 meals! Colombo's airport is a bit old but the highway into the city was traffic-free at such a late hour.