Hong Kong Photo Gallery - Sunny Bay to Discovery Bay Hike

Lantau offers many types of trails, and a less-frequented one is through a few hills from Sunny Bay to Discovery Bay, taking a half day with plenty of photo-taking stops. With good weather, it is possible to see all the way to Tuen Mun on one side and the skyline on the other.

Sunny Bay station is along a serene and beautiful waterfront with the flight path just offshore.

Head east along the train tracks' fence and look for the pedestrian underpass to the right of the electrical substation and carpark.

On the other side of the underpass, turn left along Cheung Tung Road for a short distance until it terminates at Sunny Bay Road. Cross the street here then continue to the right. You will see the sidewalk slant down to beneath the bridge. Cross to the other side, turn right, and there will be a staircase leading to a dirt path uphill.

The initial ascent is moderately difficult through the bushes, although the path is well-defined.

The first trigonometric station is a good spot for a quick break before continuing up to Tai Shan.

The next leg is steeper so a break is needed at the second trigonometric station on top of Tai Shan.

Inspiration Lake is just outside Disneyland's grounds.

You can see Sunny Bay ahead of you and Tuen Mun across the water.

Take the steep dirt path downhill. The second hill is Lai Pik Shan at 264m.

Sunny Bay doesn't seem so far away but it has been a long hike to reach here. While this hike is not incredibly difficult, it is long and the ups and downs across a few hills will drain your energy.

Nevertheless, there are many scenic views along the way, and during the winter months, tall golden grasses are an added attraction.

You can get a sneak preview of Discovery Bay already. The 3rd hill is Tai Che Tung, which is just over 300m tall.

The transmission station has good views of Tung Chung to the west and Discovery Bay to the south. With tired legs, this is a good place for another break before heading downhill to town.

This downhill section is the toughest part yet although it doesn't yet require scrambling on all 4s.

The dirt path continues along the ridges beyond. At the bottom of this slippery section, it is possible to exit the hike and continue descending down to Discovery Bay to the left. If you are still energetic enough to continue, the path ahead rises again steeply up to Lo Fu Tau, which is even higher at 466m.

You can even see Hong Kong Island in the background quite a distance away.

With many breaks and photo-taking opportunities, budget about 4 hours to reach this point from Sunny Bay.

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