Hong Kong Drone Gallery - Sai Kung East

Tai Long Wan is not easily accessible deep in Sai Kung's countryside. Very limited special minibuses or an expensive chartered boat make the long trip from the city. Hikers typically take the taxi to Sai Wan Pavilion as a starting point. After a short and mostly downhill hike to Sai Wan, the next 2 beaches are relatively easy to reach and offer spectacular views.

Sai Wan has a restaurant right on the beach and is a good place to get supplies.

The hiking trail runs above the coastline with lots of rocky inlets.

Ham Tin Beach also has another restaurant fronting the beach. To get there, you cross a makeshift bridge across the water. A tent was set up here for charter boats back to the city.

After visiting a few beaches along Tai Long Wan, I headed inland to find the bus back to the city rather than pay for an expensive boat to Sai Kung. Chek Keng is located to the west in a protected inlet.

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