Hong Kong Photo Gallery - Wanchai Fenwick Pier

Fenwick Pier was originally a private wharf was built on Johnston Road for a steel factory. As reclamation continued, it moved twice and in 1970, the pier reached the current site. With the coast moving further north, the pier stopped receiving ships in 2011 and is now landlocked.

The Servicemen's Guides Association, a non-profit organization, provides a number of facilities within the building to serve sailors visiting the city, including money changers, shops, and an information booth. Americans were the largest source of visitors, although sailors from 13 other countries also passed through from 2001 to 2010.

Since the pier became landlocked, sailors now land further west and this site has become quiet, an oddity stuck in time near the city's most modern skyscrapers. It is hard to believe that up to 50,000 sailors once passed through here as their first stop into the city for their breaks. The annual figure had dwindled to just over 8600 in 2018.

The government has decided to redevelop the site for a fire station and has no plans to relocate the pier elsewhere. They haven't accepted a proposal from the association to co-locate with the fire station either, despite the Town Planning Board having approved a redevelopment plan back in 2016.

While this is supposedly a members' only club, the public are welcome to visit its shops and restaurant by signing in at the entrance. You will get a membership card to fill in and keep with no expiry date.

The arcade has 3 floors, with a restaurant on the 1st and a small shopping arcade on the 2nd.

A door near the elevator leads to an aged outdoor staircase that has seen better days.

Unless the government changes its mind, this place will close at the end of 2021. The question is whether this piece of colonial history is worth saving, and why is the government not interested in relocation?

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