Eating Out in Hong Kong - Drinks and Sweet Stuff

Sometimes, our busy lives along with the hot and humid climate require some natural cleansing. Herbal tea shops offer various mixes to deal with your ailments. The choices are laid out on a table at the front of the store, you pick, pay, and drink on the spot.

Sugar cane is also a good traditional drink. Kung Lee opened in 1948 and its Midlevels location looks authentic to the era with patterned tile floors, hand-painted posters, and fans swirling above.

A fancy cup of coffee isn't a particular novelty in most parts of the city, but this cafe split across 2 buildings is located in an unexpected part of town. Kam Tin is known for its traditional Chinese villages and not an expensive brew where you get to pick which country's beans to roast.

While there are plenty of coffee shops and pop-ups around town to choose from, tea cafes are starting to appear to compete against the coffee crowd.

With your tea, why not pair it with a tea-inspired dessert?

The deadly condensed milk toast is a popular local afternoon tea snack, although it is probably not the best choice if you are on a diet.

With major supplier countries nearby in Thailand and the Philippines for the raw material, mango sago is fairly easy to find in a Chinese dessert shop.

The following traditional hot dessert soups are served in a very Chinese bowl.

Fusion items include crepe or pancake-like bits but with essentially Asian ingredients, such as durian filling.

Fluffy souffle pancakes arrived from Japan recently and they have become a craze on the local dessert scene.

Donuts are not indigenous to this part of the world, so they are branded as more upscale and expensive on arrival. At this particular chain, prices are over the roof, although their branches in Southeast Asia offer the same at far more affordable levels.

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