Hong Kong Photo Gallery - Yau Ma Tei Fruit Market

The Fruit Market opened in 1913 and handles roughly half of Hong Kong's total supply. Initially it also sold rice, fish, and poultry, but the government relocated them out in the 1960s and only the fruits remained. There have been numerous proposals to move the market over the years, but resistance from the workers who don't want to move to a suburban location or with other trades have kept the status quo.

These corridors were once infested with triads and unsafe for the public to roam around. They are still dark and narrow but are fine to walk through today.

Outside, the buildings look a bit run-down. While it is a wholesale market in the early hours, they sell retail during the day.

The retail market is geared towards more high-end fruits which are otherwise not easily found at the supermarket.

Taiwan's 8424 watermelon has become famous in recent years.

I tried pitahaya for the first time in Colombia a few years ago. They are fairly common in supermarkets and wet markets nowadays and supplies don't appear to be seasonal.

Sugar cane is typically pressed into juice form for consumption.

Custard apples can't last long after they are picked, and command a very expensive premium even though they come from nearby Taiwan.

The grapes come from 2 different regions of Japan.

The market comes alive at night and well into the early morning hours when fresh fruits are unloaded from trucks, much to the nuisance of the residential blocks that surround the site.

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