Hong Kong Photo Gallery - Kai Tak Redevelopments

Kai Tak Airport closed in 1998 and the urban plan included a section of residential towers on the northeastern end of the site near the former terminal. Redevelopment has taken some time although the opening of a new MTR station in 2020 has greatly improved accessibility to the area. The first major developments were public housing near the Kwun Tong Bypass, and redevelopments have gradually moved westwards through a set of new grid streets and lanes.

One Kai Tak

4 highrise towers of over 30 stories wrap around shorter 5-storey blocks in between them. Not sure how much sun can actually make it to these lowrises though.

From the newly-opened Kai Tak MTR station, you can see a row of glassy residential skyscrapers. On the left are 2 towers from One Kai Tak, and on the right a single block for Oasis Kai Tak.

The neighbouring areas are boarded up and expect more development in the years to come.

Heading down one of 2 sets of small pedestrian-only lanes in between the residential developments, I spotted 2 other developments south of Muk Ning Street along Ko Fei Lane. To the left is K.City, which consists of 4 34-storey towers wrapped around a few more lowrises. To the right is Vibe Centro, which has 2 34-storey towers wrapped around more lowrises.

A river divides this section from another area now under construction. You can see more towers rising in the background.

The density disappears south of Tin Chai Lane and the empty plot of land is fenced off from access.

Further south, the new Shing Kai Road connects the district across the old apron to To Kwa Wan.

When the dust settles, a park centred around the river will link up a north-south axis.

From the southeast corner, the view towards the north consists of Monaco under scaffolding in the far left, Vibe Centro, K.City, and Victoria Skye on the far right.

Victoria Skye consists of 3 35-storey towers with 4 lowrise blocks in between them.

Tak Long Estate sits across the divide, Muk On Street, with a lot more towers than any single private development featured above.

While there are a lot of residential towers in this area, there is also a 47-storey mixed use development under construction. AIRSIDE will have over 30 storeys of office space covering some 1.2 million square feet and is expected to complete in late 2022.

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