The King of Kowloon Photo Gallery

Tsang Tsou-choi spent some 50 years scribbling calligraphy on street furniture, including lamp-posts, phone boxes, pedestrian underpasses, and electrical boxes, throughout the city. His works were featured in the Venice Biennale in 2003. He passed away at the age of 86 in 2007. A special exhibition about his life and works was held in Island East in 2011.

At the entrance, visitors get an overview of where his works were located throughout the city.

Artefacts - from clothes with his style of graffiti to ink bottles he used.

His calligraphy ...

Following his rise to fame, many artists have paid tribute to Tsang while others have adopted his calligraphy in their designs.

When Tsang died in 2007, it was front page news across Hong Kong's major newspapers and editorials.

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