Hong Kong Photo Gallery - Ma On Shan

Ma On Shan is a residential suburb with a 702m mountain looming in the background. Home to over 209,000 residents, the district stretches along the narrow piece of flat land along Tolo Harbour, offering decent waterfront views.

Lee On Estate opened in 1993 and has 5 blocks with 3600 public housing units.

Behind it and a bit closer to Wu Kai Sha station is Lake Silver, a skyscraper wall of 7 towers ranging from 44 to 52 stories.

Across from it is the shorter Monte Vista private development.

Typical of the railway development model, luxury private residences cluster around train stations. On the other side of the station is Double Cove, a multi-phase development with plenty of sea views.

Construction continues on nearby streets with more private residences taking advantage of the coastline.

From here, a small beach is within walking distance.

Being a fairly recent new town, planners have taken advantage of its long coastline to build a waterfront promenade instead of a highway. As a result, it gets very crowded on weekends with both locals and domestic helpers enjoying the sea views and sunset.

Further in the distance is another residential suburb, Tai Po.

Wu Kai Sha is one of the city's sunset viewing hotspots, easily accessible by train and a short walk from the Ma On Shan Line's last stop. Since the promenade faces west and runs along the length of the new town, it is accessible by a short walk from Tai Shui Hang, Heng On, and Ma On Shan stations as well.

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