Hong Kong Photo Gallery - Tai Kwun

Tai Kwun consists of 17 buildings built between 1864 and 1925 that included the Central Police Station, Central Magistracy, and Victoria Prison. A $1.8 billion revitalization project ended in 2018 with the site being transformed into a museum and arts facility.

The Police Headquarters Block

Barrack Block


Victoria Prison once hosted Vietnamese communist leader Ho Chi Minh in 1931.

The Prison Yard at the back of the site is bounded by a huge wall to prevent escape.

D Hall also has some jail cells.

Medical personnel would sit in the cage for protection while prisoners waited in the circle.

Neighbouring buildings that once hosted jail cells have also been renovated and are awaiting new uses.

One of the controversial new buildings on the site is JC Contemporary, whose interior staircase is a huge hit for selfies.

Contemporary art exhibitions adorne the interior spaces. Views from the balcony are quite decent.

Next door, there is a small museum on life in jail where you can also snap a prisoner photo.

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