Hong Kong Photo Gallery - FWD Insurance Hong Kong Story Walk

Miniature replicas of classic Hong Kong were out on display at Heritage 1881 in early 2020. The exhibition was divided into 5 different theme areas. At the entrance is the Tai Hang Fire Dragon Dance, a floating colour parade (piu sik), and the Cheung Chau Bun Festival.

The Cheung Chau Bun Festival takes place from the 5th to 9th days of the 4th lunar month. It started as a Taoist ritual to ward off the plague in the late Qing Dynasty with parading statues of deities through the village.

The next zones depict life in a typical small apartment in the 1980s and the local food culture such as eating dim sum or a local cha chaan teng restaurant.

Dim sum carts with name plaques of its contents at the front once roamed restaurants, but labour got progressively expensive and now the common way to enjoy dim sum is to check off what you like on a piece of paper.

The next zones feature Heritage 1881's former self, the Marine Police Headquarters, as well as other historic and cultural sights such as our trams, a Shanghai barber shop, or petty person bashing under Canal Road.

There was a drive to remove street food carts like these due to sanitary concerns.

The old neighbourhood supermarket was not part of a large chain and would be a great place to find out the latest gossip.

Arcade games are disappearing as people move to the online versions.

A few old ladies continue the tradition of petty person bashing in Causeway Bay. She whacks the paper effigy into the abyss with a lady's shoe.

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