Victoria Harbour Reclamation Photo Gallery

Harbour reclamation has long been the primary source of land for new office developments. Additional land was reclaimed as part of the new airport project, and plans were drafted to extend reclamation eastwards from Central to Causeway Bay to cater for a rail extension and underground highway, while a park would rest on top. Amidst calls to protect the harbour in recent years, the project has been delayed and is slated for completion in 2017.

Central - Nov. 19, 2015

Wanchai - Mar. 28, 2015

Central - Feb. 19, 2015

Wanchai - Sept. 7, 2013

Central - Aug. 27, 2013

Central - Aug. 5, 2013

Wan Chai- Jul. 13, 2013

Central - Mar. 8, 2013

Central - Mar. 4, 2013

Central - Dec. 10, 2012

Wanchai - Oct. 6, 2012

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