Hong Kong Photo Gallery - Hiking Above Tsing Yi

The Tsing Yi Nature Trail stretches 3.5km along the western part of the island, offering views of the Tsing Ma Bridge and surrounding waters. The starting point is the paved road going uphill from Cheung Wang Estate's bus terminus.

While there are several pavilions along the way for breaks, the best views are away from these spots. It is high enough to view the harbour and skyline on one side and the bridge on the other.

The starting and end points of the trail are readily accessible by bus. While there are many steps along the way, it is not particularly strenuous or difficult. All sections are paved.

South of Ching Wah Court are several paths uphill to ancestral graves that command views of the harbour and skyline. I started just opposite Cheung Ching Bus Terminus, walking up a paved path to the playground. At the public toilet, take the staircase to the right up along the reservoir, and keep going up where you see stairs.

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