Flight Report : W6 202
London Luton - Budapest

Wizzair - W6 202
London Luton - Budapest
Scheduled Departure : 6 Oct 2007 @ 0935

What is Wizzair?

A few friends and I planned a trip to Budapest, but wondered what was the cheapest way to get there? As Ryanair doesn't fly to Budapest and easyJet was prohibitively expensive, the search went on for another alternative ... and we found one .. further east. Wizzair is an emerging eastern European LCC, flying fairly new planes at very reasonable prices. It was worth the gamble with a virtually unknown carrier. Yes, this is a real airline.

Early Departure

We didn't have to wake up too early to get to Luton. The bus took us from the West End to the airport in about an hour, which wasn't much different than getting to Stansted. Luton was a very nice small airport, with manageable check-in and immigration queues. I'd be happy to use it again. I didn't want to navigate a crowded Stansted anymore.

The jet arrives ...

Here comes the plane that will take us to Budapest, fresh from an early morning arrival.

Orderly Boarding

Boarding was smooth, with passengers going up the stairs from the tarmac, much like what I was used to with Ryanair.

Crossing the English Channel

Is this Frankfurt?

Bumpy Landing

Although the weather looked decent, we had a few bumps during the descent into Budapest.

First-Time Fliers?

Some passengers in the back didn't seem to understand the importance of remaining buckled up during landing and once the plane has reached the ground. The flight attendants had to shout at them to sit down several times.

Welcome to Budapest

Budapest airport seemed a relic from the communist era, although immigration was smooth and quick. The terminal was very small, and soon we were out ready to explore the city.

Welcome to a Budapest Train

To get into town, we caught a local train that seemed to be 40 years old. The city centre train station seemed rather rustic as well. At least the ride wasn't so long.

To re-use these photos, please notify me by email : asiaglobe@yahoo.com.hk.

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