Marrakesh Photo Gallery - Koutoubia Mosque and Saadian Tombs

Just a short walk from the main square, Koutoubia Mosque dates from the 12th century and is named after the booksellers that line its base. Its minaret design has inspired other structures in Seville and Rabat.

The city walls are visible in many places with a noticeably pink hue.

Bab Agnaou is one of several surviving gates from the 12th century.

The elaborately-decorated Saadian Tombs are busy with tourists. Saadian Sultan Ahmed al-Mansour ed-Dahbi used Italian marble and pure gold to create a magnificent mausoleum. Chancellors and wives are also buried here, but in garden plots outside the chambers. While they were walled by a subsequent sultan to erase that memory, the tombs can still be accessed today via the neighbouring Kasbah Mosque.

While a bit secluded, it is easy to find. Just follow the crowds or this sign with French at the bottom.

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