Nagoya Photo Gallery - Cityscapes

Japan's cityscapes are a bit boring and Nagoya is no exception. The are tidy and clean, but not architecturally interesting.

The Futaba Museum occupies the former residence of Japan's 1st actress, Sadayakko Kawakami. This area is known as the Cultural Path, where architecture from the Edo, Meiji, Taisho, and Showa eras can be seen.

The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ Money Museum is a small facility but has an extensive collection of coins and bank notes., including the world's largest gold coin.

The Atsuta Shrine was founded some 1900 years ago by enshrining a sacred sword. The current structures are reconstructions after World War II.

Lunch is served - a simple yet delicious noodle.

Several shrines are located around the Osu shopping arcade.

Osu Kannon Temple

The 1400-type tram first appeared in Nagoya in 1898. This vehicle on display just outside the Science Museum was built in 1936 and was among the first 20 vehicles of its type. The city's tram network was discontinued in 1974.

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