Tohoku Photo Gallery - Hachinohe

Located on the northern coast of Honshu, Hachinohe is just across the water from Hokkaido and is famous for seafood. A 100 yen bus takes visitors from the Shinkansen station to Hasshoku Center, where you can taste buy fresh catch of the day.

Upon exiting the Shinkansen station, turn right and you will find the special 100 yen bus at the furthest end of the bus station.

One section is for dried items, including many souvenirs that don't come from the sea.

This part of Japan is a major producer of apples. They don't come cheap, but are delicious.

Then step into the fresh seafood section to see what abundance the seas here can offer.

I couldn't resist and got a modest snack for myself.

This shopping centre is quite a distance from the main town centre and the Shinkansen station, so I took the 100 yen bus back and then connected to a local train to ride into town.

The sleepy town seemed to have gone home for the day well before sunset.

In the town centre, these 20+ small eateries in Miroku-Yokocho were getting ready to receive its evening customers.

With the sun setting, I headed back to the train station for a hillside vantage point of the changing sky.

Miyagi Park stands above and next to the train station. It is not a tough staircase climb up and some kids were making the best of the sunset already when I arrived.

The coastline around Hachinohe is quite scenic but my focus today was the fish market. It is only a short ride from Aomori so if you have more time, definitely make it out for a longer day trip exploring the surrounding areas.

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