Bath Photo Gallery - City Scenes

Bath has a lot of Georgian architecture that reflects its heyday in the 18th century when this was a fashionable place to be in. Local entrepreneurs tried to make Bath one of the most beautiful cities in Europe, with Richard 'Beau' Nash playing a pivotal role in shaping that dream.

Pulteney Bridge opened in 1770 and has shops lining both sides, a rare design even today. Designed by Robert Adam and named after the wife of a major landowner who had plans to build a new town east of the River Avon. He needed a beautiful bridge to connect to it.

Bath's residential buildings use a lot of similar honey-coloured stones. Bath stone is a soft and mellow limestone that has been quarried locally since the Roman era.

Princess Victoria visited Bath in 1830 to officially open a park named after her. Royal Victoria Park spans 57 acres with botanical gardens, golf course, and more.

A short drive across the river and uphill, Alexandra Park offers a free panoramic view of Bath. The one-way street around the park opens up to the view and you can park for free up to an hour.

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