Suzhou Photo Gallery

Bus route 1 travels along the north-south thoroughfare, Renmin Lu. It was only 2 stops from the train station to my first attraction, the North Temple Pagoda. With a history dating back some 1700 years to the Three Kingdoms Period, the wood pagoda has 9 levels. 25 yuan later, I headed up and up and up for a panoramic view of Suzhou.





Heading east, the Humble Administrator?s Garden is only a 15 minute walk from the pagoda along Xibei Jie. The street fronting the garden has been pedestrianized, although quiet but deadly electric scooters still ply the stretch. The admission was not humble like the garden?s name though, and there were plenty of tourists on hand willing to pay the 70 yuan to get in.

This garden is the largest in Suzhou and dates from the early 16th century. Using many combinations of water, islands, and hills, it has numerous viewpoints. However, enjoying them would be hard as it is now a key attraction to tour groups. Luckily, I arrived fairly early but towards the end of my 1.5 hour visit, the crowds got a bit crazy.

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