Warsaw Photo Gallery - Lazienki Park and Palace

Lazienki Park and Palace

Hang your jacket up in the foyer and wrap your shoes in plastic bags so to protect the renovated palace.

The Bacchus Room is the 17th century bathhouse.

The Bathing Room

The Ballroom was completed in 1793.

The Portrait Room is used to display paintings.

The Salle de Salomon is the palace's principal room. However, the paintings were destroyed in World War II.

The Rotunda is surrounded by statues of kings and Roman emperors in a pantheon-like setting.

The Gallery of Paintings exhibits part of King Stanislaw August's collection of 2289 works.

The Antechamber - wait for the king here.

Let's head upstairs for the resting quarters.

The Dining Room

The Chapel

A huge green space surrounds this palace on the isle.

Warsaw Gallery Main

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