Hong Kong Extradition Bill Protests Photo Gallery

Following the murder of a Hong Kong tourist in Taiwan by her boyfriend in February 2018, the government proposed an extradition law for fugitives in cases where there is no extradition treaty with Hong Kong. While the government claimed the intention was to plug a loophole and to prevent criminals from hiding in the city to escape justice, there were significant concerns from the community on whether residents could be sent back to China, where the legal system is opaque and a fair trial cannot be guaranteed. There were also worries that political dissidents could no longer be safe living in Hong Kong, and that freedom of speech will be eroded.

Several large protests later, the government suspended the bill. Accusations of police brutality and co-operation with triad gangs in assaulting protesters have kept people on the streets regularly all summer. The protesters have listed 5 demands, which the government has so far not addressed :

  • complete withdrawal of the bill
  • halt to labeling the protests as "riots", which carry much heavier prison terms
  • waiver of charges against those arrested
  • independent inquiry on police actions
  • political reform

  • Oct 4 & 6 - Mask Ban Protests

    Kwai Chung Lennon Bridge

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